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Slavic Heritage Farm is getting some "feathers".

This is a really great news for Slavic Heritage Farm! We have been on a look out for some so needed machinery to help us save the time with tilling and expanding our gardens and berry patches. Can't do it any more with a hand held rototiller.

And finally when the opportunity presented itself we had to grab it! We are now proud owners of a 1987 Belarus tractor and a brand new heavy duty rotary tiller. It had to be a tractor made during the time of our youth and what's more in the land of slavs! Going along with the theme here!

What used to take hours and hours of back breaking labor now is simply a breeze! The green house got another tilling to really tear into pieces those prairie grass roots that already started sprouting even though the land got tilled in the fall.

The garden has been prepared and our brassicas are getting hardened off to get ready to be planted soon.

We also started working on tilling the sod for our berry U pick.

The tractor was sold "as as" , so we are holding our breath and hoping it would do what we need it to do for us. After all, it is a tough and rugged tractor that is easy to maintain proudly made in the USSR!

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